

Food PantryVolunteers are a vital part of Wilkinson Center’s success. Through their time and effort, volunteers assist in our goal to provide quality programs and services to our clients. Individuals or small groups may sign up for volunteer assignments in our various programs including: food and support services, adult education, events, and our drives and distributions. Please contact us for corporate and large group projects or any other volunteer questions.

Sign Up to Volunteer at Food Pantry

View Food Pantry Orientation
Food Pantry Volunteer Paperwork
Adult Education Volunteer Paperwork
Special Event Volunteer Paperwork

Shoe Drive

Food Pantry

We are always in need of non-perishable food, as well as toilet tissue, hygiene products, diapers, and formula!

Pantry Assistant

  • Days: Shifts available Monday through Thursday
  • Description: Greet clients, help them shop for food, restock shelves, and pack food boxes. We can accommodate groups of up to 10 people. Minimum age to volunteer is 12 with a supervising adult. Must wear closed-toed shoes.
  • Sign up for a volunteer shift here

Pantry2Go Assistant

  • Days: Shifts available on Thursdays throughout Dallas County
  • Description: Help distribute food boxes from our Pantry2Go mobile food truck. We can accommodate groups of up to 6 people. Minimum age to volunteer is 18. Must wear closed-toed shoes.
  • Sign up for a volunteer shift here

Senior Program

Lunch & Learn Sessions

  • Days: 3rd Friday of each month from 11 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Description: Need donations of lunch for 30 seniors who attend each session; need volunteer speakers to give a 45-minute presentation on a topic of interest to seniors (exercise, finances, wills, etc.).

Adult Education

Virtual Presenters

  • Days: Various days and times
  • Description: Need volunteer speakers to give a 45-minute presentation on a financial topic or soft skills, such as time management, budgeting, and negotiation. Scheduled as needed.

Conversation Corners

  • Day: Wednesdays from 11 AM to 12 PM at Arcadia Park Annex, 911 N. Morocco Avenue, Dallas.
  • Description: Volunteers speak with English as a Second Language (ESL) students to help them improve their conversational English skills. Volunteers do not have to make a weekly commitment, although consistency is appreciated.

Backpack Drive

Special Volunteer Opportunities

  • Can Do Luncheon (spring)
  • Adult Education Graduation (summer)
  • Carlin Morris Back-to-School Drive and Distribution (summer)
  • Turkey Drive and Distribution (November)
  • Toy Drive and Distribution (December)

Group Volunteer Opportunities

  • Hold a food/essential items drive and deliver/stock your donation at our Food Pantry
  • Hold an Assembly Kit project – see suggested kits here
  • Mock Interviews with Adult Education students
  • English vocabulary exercises with ESL students
  • Bring a group of 10 volunteers to help clients shop in our Food Pantry
  • Assist with a cleaning/organizing event at the Food Pantry or adult education site

If you’re interested in volunteering with Wilkinson Center contact volunteer coordinator by filling out the application below:
(The application does not guarantee a volunteer position with Wilkinson Center)

Personal Information
Volunteer Information
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